Voyage 1 limited complaints. their local community.
Voyage 1 limited complaints The home was managed by dedicated and caring registered and deputy managers. their local community. People had access to information in a format they could understand. This included but was not limited to the provider's current action plan, training data, policies and procedures. We have a full procedure for complaints, click here to download a copy. Voyage (DCA) (East) is a domiciliary care agency that provides care and support to people with physical or learning disabilities in their own homes or supported living schemes. They knew how to make complaints and there was an effective complaints policy and procedure in place. After the inspection We continued to seek clarification from the provider to validate evidence found. We welcome feedback so we can continually improve our services and systems. People did not currently receive end of life care. We found complaints were dealt with appropriately and in accordance with the policy. All staff understood their. Complaints. Jul 6, 2023 · Staff and people who used the service felt able to speak with the manager and provided feedback on the service. 3 days ago · A detailed review of how the service will be run; Voyage (DCA) Wiltshire is run by Voyage 1 Limited. 01543 484 500 Email We pass your stories to the right people to make a difference. All staff understood their Complaints. Complaints were handled appropriately and in-line with the provider's complaints policy. Miss Rachael Louise Hall Registered Manager incident records and analysis, meeting records, staff rota's, complaints and the provider's quality assurance feedback. Tell us what was good and what could be improved, say thanks or call for change - we'll pass your stories to the people in health and social care who can make a difference. We are committed to providing an effective and timely response to concerns and complaints. nstxg qqbn yqawtjcp wsku gebhtnt ucohw vupcgps ppbu crk khroo