How to extend material to plant in sap.
By doing so the material is extended to the new plant.
How to extend material to plant in sap We have more than 10 plant, we have to extend the one material to 10 plants, 6 sales organization and 4 distribution channels. code: MM01. When you extend the material, consider the following questions: In the Plantdata structure of the Save bapi i am not able to find any field to pass this value but if i extend manually and execute BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL by passing the material number and the plant which i have extended, i am getting the value of the reference Configurable material in field "PS_CONF_MAT" of the plant data. My understanding (example) one purchase organisation is linked to 4 plants. EAN. Hi, division is the property of a material which is unique for one client. You will get the massage that material allready extended after copying. create the material in material master MM01. Then system prompts you to enter the plant and location, there is copy field you can see. Now you can see a message at the bottom screen Material already exists and will be extended. pavel “preetikan via sap-log-mm By doing so the material is extended to the new plant. WA_HEADDATA-MATL_TYPE. Select 'Storage Location Data for Material' / MARD. Revert back for To extend storage location use transcation MM01. Now if I choose the purchasing view and pass plant related data, it extends the material but does not update certain fields like MRP controller,MRP profile,Availability check,loading gr Hi. MM17 only copies what is already there, it does not create. You can create storage location with same code as 00A1 for another plant 2000, there is no extend concept for storange location like material master, but user can create storage location with same ID in different plant. Hi All, I'm extending about 200k materials to about 17 plants (all with multiple storage locations), and its taking very long to load via lsmw direct input. *. 2nd IDOC is overwriting the General data and extending to another Plant B. You specify plant code then it will give message , material already exist but will be extended for plant . I want it to extend it to 100 plants. do we miss something? Regards. Hi, I have a work on data extension of material from one plant to another plant. Hello if you are looking for mass updating materials to the mrp area, then run this program in . It will give you pop-up for extending the material for plants. Choose the views that you want to extend, i. I am using the BAPI, BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA. Dear SAP consultants, Please help me in the following issu. You can give the plant over there for extending it to particular plant. 1) As mentioned above MM01. Through LSMW we will upload at a time. Because material is specific to one Division( as you know division is group of products/similiar product line). this can be done through bdc with tcode mm01 , pass the material code u want to extend( as external material ) and enter the plant you want to extend , take the help of MM consultant and record it well . When I am trying to extend the same material for plant(1003), Sales Org(1002) & dist ch (10) , it is creating 4 combinations like below, In this video, learn the steps to extend a material master in SAP using transaction code MM01. In the target system, i'm processing the IDOCs one by one using RBDAPP01. Because it takes to long to do this one by one with MM01 we use mm17 and we created there a variant that extends the materials in all plants automatically. When I am trying to extend the same material for plant(1003), Sales Org(1002) & dist ch (10) , it is creating 4 combinations like below, Extend the material to the new plant / Sales organisation by entering the datas on left side and press Enter. You can also select the tabs that you want to extend through this tcode by giving it in status. moving price You can extend the material master record by adding more views. code: MMSC. Unextending materials from a plant, is only possible thru archiving. To find this transaction, choose Logistics → Production → Master Data → Material Master → Other → Extend Material View(s) (MM50). Regards, WS MM17 transaction code is mainly used for mass maintenance and it will not help to extend the material in all plants. This can probably only be with having settings in the MRP views that are causing this trouble. Is there a way to extend using the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA? Do I have to get the other values from databse tables for the You can extend material from Plant to new Plant OR from Sales Organization and Distribution Channel to NEW Sales Organization and Distribution in t. View products (1) How to extend the material to plant 2001 and remove any Z1 block? I'm supporting material master change request. it's possible to create a material with single plant. Is there any BAPI's available. So, we have to create material for the particular plant & generate material code for that material. so for extending the material to aanother plant with another pur org can be done. You can use recording process with help of t-code MMSC. Since material may be used in the all the plants, he wants to extend the created material to all the plants at a time. I want to extend the BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA to update a custom field in MARC table. There are two options: Data Record to be Changed // Data Record to be Created. If you have so many material to extend for plant,the best way is to use LSMW or BDC to extend the material. Please explain me the process in detials with TCodes. *We need to activate the Work Scheduling view for DIST types of material only for some plants/markets. If you also want to extend materials to additional sales org's and distribution channels do that as well. Is there any way to do BULK extension of the following 1. I need to create u2018zu2019 transaction. g. Need you s Welcome to our tutorial on extending a material master to a new plant using SAP HANA S/4. COPY FROM and COPY TO . For say, suppose initially I have created material for plant(1001), Sales Org(1001) & dist ch (10). SAP ERP. I want to extend material from one plant to another using Transaction MM01, and want to extend Basic Data1,Basic Data2, Purchasing,Purchase Order Text,MRP1 MRP2,MRP3,MRP4,Forecast. ABAP will modofied the program and then you can test and then finalliy use if your test results matchs. Now the problem is that if i create a material for plant A then i have to extend it to all plants as and when required. under same client you can extend a material to multiple sales area but keeping the division same, only swithing by different combination of sales org and distribution channel for different plants. WA_HEADDATA-MATERIAL. 8. Solved: Hi, Is there any way through which i can extend my materials to other plants. press enter and save. ----- The system will pull up all of the options that are currently NOT allocated to the material master. Do i need to extend WM views also? Eg Material : Test1 Plant : XXXX WH : 006 Need to extend this material in Material ; Test1 Plant : YYYY WH : 006 ( same WH). SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise From the app 'Mass Maintenance Material'. Half of any given material type might exist in client 1 as well as client 2. we can create new workcenter or can extend the workcenter. Routing (Inspection Data) 2. 4. Material master records need to be extended to the organizational units that use them. material is attached to plant . ABAP Development. Asset Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition | 2023 FPS02 Release in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a week ago; Top Q&A Solution Author. Thanks Sam. Can some body give solution for this requirement. Its new for me please tell me how to do. SE Hi Colin, Just to mention once you raised the question: To list an article (material) to a site (plant) can be performed not only in MM42, but also WSM3, WSP4, WSM8, or in case of layout listing WSM4L can be used, depending on the requirement. A suggestion would be to use the BAPI's - BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA Create and Change Material Master Data Create a 'Z' or 'Y' Program using SE38 , and call this BAPI "BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA" and Pass the value as per your requirement but one thing is important during Material Extend to other plant that time you must pass Material Number Leading with Zero's look like "000000000026000050" if your material type is Internal Number range or Note: Material code should have already maintained for all of the basic settings and views, (Basic Data 1, Basic Data 2 and Label Data) which is required for a material. The same material require to other plant, we have to extended into require plant from material created plant. Enter the material code of the material code you want to extend. IF po_matnr IS NOT INITIAL. Subject [sap-log-mm] how to extend one material from one plant to another in same company code. Select the Tab pages to be maintained & go to organization data & maintain the details like Delivering Plant & Reference plant, Storage location & reference storage location, Sales Organization & reference Sales Organization, Distribution Channel & I would like to know how to mass-extend material masters created only in 4310 to 4330 plant in the SAP public cloud. If the data is more try using LSMW or BDC. All you need to do is populate the import parameter. I am using LSMW to do that. 1. Same has to be extended to other plants (Plant2 & Plant3). Meaning is the Plant 7420 is existing in Plant table T001W. Sujoy In the Plantdata structure of the Save bapi i am not able to find any field to pass this value but if i extend manually and execute BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL by passing the material number and the plant which i have extended, i am getting the value of the reference Configurable material in field "PS_CONF_MAT" of the plant data. Here you can enter MRP areas, Here are some SAP resources you may review based on your topic "extend | mass | mrp areas | existing materials" Best Practices for SAP S/4HANA Cloud. through LSMW? I use the Standard Batch Object 0020, program RMDATIND for creating new Materials the first time MM50 is best Tcode to extend materials. here enter in copy field the plant and storage location and copy to filed enter the same plant and location field enter the new location. I have a Material in Plant 1, with Valuation Category H. Regards, Biju K For say, suppose initially I have created material for plant(1001), Sales Org(1001) & dist ch (10). This will work for 1 material , 1 Plant and Multiple Slocs but these have to be given manually. Material Master never assigned to a plant. Note the letter in the left most column, this is the current view. So, I can extend material master to many plants, only using BD10. and check the views that you want to maintain in the new plant. now we are going to add one more plant 1031 it is the part of 1030 plant, In that 1030 plant having around 500 workcenters, now 1031 plant needs 200 workcenters from 1030 plant. I have used BDC and I have called just three fields Material Number, Plant and Valuation Class. when you try to extend this alternative to second plant it will not allow ofr above said reason. tcode is MM01. Enter in the materials that you want to extend and click the execute button. If you want to extend the views in your material master or if many fields aren't dasplaying in your master then use MM50 , and if you want to expend the material to other plant then use MM01 , in this MM01 same material no write in refernce field and same in To extend the Material by new Org levels via migration, you may use the Migration object “Material - extend existing record by new org levels”. Kindly please clarify Regards Rajasekaran I cannot really imagine how an extended material for a certain plant can screw up MRP runs. I have created vendors in one purchasing organisation for a plant. When I am trying to extend the same material for plant(1003), Sales Org(1002) & dist ch (10) , it is creating 4 combinations like below, you can extend a material from one plant,storga location,sales org & dbt channel to other. Is there any configuration or any setting Material master/ BOM Level and Routing level available. BREAK senthilg. click 'plant assignment'. Email Me at: Gattumusalamma@gmail. System is PRD 300. select the views and in organisational levels give ur SO no n DC no to which u want to extend the material. BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA. For extension of material individually for single material and plant go for MMSC. Material Master is/are created. With external number assignment, you enter the EAN but not an EAN I had to extend the Materials from One plant to another plant while extending through standrad mass transaction we should know which views the reference materials is mantained. Same vendors I want to extend in another purchasing organisation which is assigned to second plant. You have to create Plant related data through MM 01 transaction code only by extending the views of already created material. remember to fill all the tabs in copy from in oragn levels. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. go to t code OP03 or OPJX. Material type. , 11(material no) From M001 (Plant) to M002(Plant) In return i getting Material was created and extended, but in Table level not updating . Now I want to extend all opened Material Codes in Plant "X" to Plant "Y". For example:MARC,MBEW and so on. We have created the material in MM41 for the required sale area but missed on the plant. Now in the Sales orga view 1 change hi vinayak, go to the transaction code MM02 and select the data fileds plant/storage location and enter the new plant to which you like to extend the material . or use trax MM50. I searched the forum but the response to those threads are not satisfactory. profit center. this i done against all the plants which you want the factory calendar to be extended. I tried it in SPRO> Logistics General > Material Master > Basic Settings > Material Types > Define Attributes of Material In MM01 in create material tab give the same material no. Why Material Extension is required? If we want to use Material and if it is not maintaining at some Purchasing organization level then we need to extend a Material for that Purchasing organization level. 2016,kindly let me know from which table do i get the date on which material is extended to Plant0002. ) Now for reference just enter plant number and storage location in source and execute. try this, first create BOM without any plant, create Alternatives of it ,and after this extend it to other plants. now you want to add few more plants to the existing purchase organisation ? Is my understanding is correct ? If this is your requirement , just do the assignment of plants to the purchasing organisation. 02. Client has 55 plants. Regards, Abdul You must be a registered user to add a comment. Actual Costing - This scope item enables actual costing for material inventory can be used to expand the functionality of the SAP Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt In the Plantdata structure of the Save bapi i am not able to find any field to pass this value but if i extend manually and execute BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL by passing the material number and the plant which i have extended, i am getting the value of the reference Configurable material in field "PS_CONF_MAT" of the plant data. and in the COPY FROM number enter the same material and select view. 1st IDOC is creating the material with Plant level data for Plant A. storage location. How to do mass extension of materials to EWM Product Master(/N/SCWM/MAT1) ? These materials are copied from ECC plant to new plant having EWM storage location. Enter the material number (i. I have only the inputs as material number, new plant and new storage location. Please help. I have a material, which is extended to Plant1/Storage loc1, now I want to extend this material to a new storage location in the same plant. Some of the materials are duplicates and some are not. Industry. Only give Material Code, Plant and storage location which you want to extend. Thanks in advance as i have some problem with material creation by using bapi and rfc. iN LSMW, 5th step ie maintain Solved: I am in Public Cloud and would like to check if App 'Manage Mass Maintenance - Products' can be used to extend materials to a plant enmasse. If anyone has done this or knows a good fm/bapi I'd like to hear about it. And what is the effect on Cost Center accounting and Profit Center Accounting. Execute the transaction Place a check mark in all of the plant / Sales org / distribution channel records you want the material extended to. Thank you, we can extend a material to any sales area, but in the customizing u have to assign that sales organisation and distribution channel to which u want to extend the material must be assigned to a plant in which the material exists. similarly go to mmo2 transaction code and enter the new sales area to which you want to extend the material and select the exact fields the material will be extended to another sales Hi Experts, I need to extend material master data to a new companycode. - The system will show the material, plant or material, sales org, or material distribution channel combo for each set of views the material is to be extended to. e. It says "With Single batch valuation, batch management must be defined. In that enter the plant from which you want to copy to, and from which plant copy from. Then enter in the target plant that you want to extend to. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; ERP Q&A; Material Master Plant Expansion Method Request Hello, I have to extend a material already existing in one plant and storage location to another plant or storage location using ABAP. In the page which comes, there under column 'cal' press F4 and select the calendar which you have already created. I want to extend this material to Plant 2 with Valuation Category 'X' (Auto Batch) Its not accepting X, any other entry would be possible. AND I NEED TO EXTEND THIS TO VALUATION TYPE ITS IS NOT GET UPDATED IN MBEW TABLE. Joel. Best regards, Lainel. yes. Enter the Range of Materials. I'm generating two IDOCs for same material (one for Plant A and another one for Plant B) in the Source system. MM50 I am not familiar with, but I have Continue reading "Mass extension of materials to multiple plants" Hi Experts, I m a completely newbie in BAPI. First u have to export the material data recently created and then u have to enter the new plant in spreadsheet, and load Hi expert, I want to extend materials from one plant(1000) to another plant(2000). Please suggest I also created conversion rule for each plant's logical system for convert plant, sloc, etc. Prashant. example :-plant . se38->RMMDDIBE. What are some possible ways or reco Please suggest ways for mass extending the materials from one plant to another plant in one go . Copy down the material number (i. code and. SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) MM (Materials Management) Software Product Function. Hope you like it. use tranx MM01 create - enter the material code to extend there at orga data name the plant at which you want to extend then press enter it will be extended to the required plant. but if you archive a plant, then all plant information is gone, it is not possible to keep purchasing view but but delete MRP views only. Do recording ME41 Giving ABAP the fields needs to be captured . Check your EAN category and Number range for EAN" With internal number assignment, you enter the EAN category but not an. On the next screen - click SAVE. Extract data from table for plant level. Select Execute. then in material code filed give same mat code . SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; I have excluded the Tag "SAP S/4HANA Cloud" and included the Tag "SAP S/4HANA Cloud Master Data" for this Neeraj, "Further allocations can be made only from the same BOM" cause once you create a alternative its valid for that plant and linked to first BOM. We have different plant from different market. Material. Can I also extend materials to a new plant and Sales Org. Continue to enter & you will create material with plant. Regards, Mahesh Wagh. Enter your material number; Choose views you need to extend. i think it is extending of materials to another plants . Now to make changes in any field of material master you can run mass changes. Hy folks, we are facing this issue, we are trying to extend an article to a new storage location using MM50, but we can't find the article in the extendable articles. Dear all, We have to extend a set of (>5000) materials from One plant to other. Can you please suggest how to pass multiple plants for a material in IDOC matmas05 To extend the existing material to a new Plant/Profit centre, pls follow the following steps: - 1. Enter MM01, Material Dear Friends while extending material through LSMW to another plant we facing problem : Sales : Sales Org 1 showing more fields mandatory like 1,valid from; 2. Regards, Rich Heilman The material type was UNBW so I used transaction MMAM to change to material type HALB. at a time as it has all these views in Import SAP ERP. If I create a plant in the new company code and I extend the existing material master data to the plant in the new company code will the material master data be extended to the new company code? Please help me understand. I have extended the table MARC with new custom field ZZTEST. It's because, we are using internal number range & we have to create the material then only we can extend other plants to that material number. Plant : 1000 storage locatio 00A1. You can extend the material to other plants using the transaction MM01. Please replay me. WA_HEADDATA-IND_SECTOR. create material with You can Extent material Through T. When I am trying to extend the same material for plant(1003), Sales Org(1002) & dist ch (10) , it is creating 4 combinations like below, trying to tell that, if you want use a material then that sales org and distribution channel combination should be assigned to the plant where the material is available. In this Tcode you insert the material you want to extend and then the plant to which you want to extend. The above u can do for single material. View products (2) Hi All, Hi Friends, We want to extend a material to a specific plant in IS Retail. Thanks in advance for your help. If the material exists in another plant you can extend the material master to the other plant by going in MM01 and putting the material you want to copy. ) New material will be created at new plants and storage location by copying all the data from old plant and storage location. extend (or) choose the correct plant and storage location for that material - MM01/MM02. and enter it will as u from plant to plant ,enter . how to extend one material from one plant to another in same company code is there any tcode available for that When a material master record is created, it is only available at the organizational units where it was created. 2> For for mass extension at sloc level for Material Code use : MMSC_MASS. question : Do i need to extend this material to new P In my experience, there are usually significant differences in the setup of materials in the different plants so you need to take account of these when extending plants. For extend material storage location. i used batch input recording. 7. Code - MM01: In MM01, Enter the Material Code & reference Material Code --> Enter. 6B system, but am not able to create even after passing all the required parameters to that. Thank you. for stocks, you can use the transaction MIGO, goods receipt functionality to raise the stock in that particular plant and storage location for that material. Suppose you want to maintain Dear SAP Gurus Please tell me how to Extend materials all at once one plant to all other plants with out using Tcodes MM01 and MM02. Show replies. Thanks Pari SAP Managed Tags: MAN Production Planning (PP) MAN Production Planning (PP) Software Product Function. but not to the other division. but in this case the pur org should be under ur co code. Comment the only option you have is to archive the material master - after implementing of OSS note 543279, it is possible to archive only certain organisation levels, e. When I am trying to extend the same material for plant(1003), Sales Org(1002) & dist ch (10) , it is creating 4 combinations like below, Material created one plant (Plant1). Right now i have materials in plant A, i want the same materials to be available in. , "V" is for sales. After which the material is How to used transaction MM50 to extend a number of materials from one plant to another? Yes, MM50 will allow for you to create materials into new plant codes or even sales orgs and I want to extend about 4000 Material to a new plant. THE THING IS I MATERIAL HAS BEEN CREATED . moving price Dear Experts, We have many Material Codes opened in one of our Company's Plant "X". I found a standard BAPI - BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA, but using this I cld create a material but could only extend it to one plant or sales view or sloc view etc. And to extend the material to the new distribution channel, go to MM01 and give the required details but copy from where its already available ie. now we have created anthor two plants and I have extended the maters master to them also. From: kanwenxin via sap-other [mailto: [email protected]] Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 6:55 PM To: lperera Subject: RE:[sap-other] Material Master mass plant extention. I would Hello, I am trying to extend an existing material in several plants. Ie. and what can we do for that 200 workcenters in 1030 plant. Yes- you can extend storage location for a material in t. I have the material in 1400 and 1600 plant, the same material need to be send to 1500 plant through STO. Let's have an example where we'd like to add some Plant To Extend Material Master: T. here u maintain the data for this plant. Regards, Bhaskar. XYZ) you copied from (1) into the Material field and hit ENTER. regards, zafar #sap #sd #course #sapcourse #sapsdcontent #sapsdsyllabus #syllabus #sapconfiguration #s4hana #sapficoconfiguration #sapsdconsultant #sapconsultant #sdfunctio Go to MM01 transaction enetr your material then select the views which you are going to extend after that enter the organisational data like sales organisation, distribution channel and Plant etcc. This case is A plant exists in client 2 with some similar materials as client 1. with regards, kiran kumar vemula You can use the LSMW for extend the material to all the plants at a time. View products (2) Dear All, How to assign materials to MRP Area. Execute. 2016 and extended that Material X to Plant0002 on 03. If it is useful for u, Please revert back. Including price and all other data as is needs to be extended. So we are thinking to adapt the LSMW, which search the maitainence status of the materials of reference palant and accordingly extend those veiws to another plant. View products (1) Hi Experts, I need to Extend the Material from one Plant to other Plant. there is no need of tables if u want to extend the material . Plant : 2000 storage location 00A1. Select the Account Group, input Company Code and Sales Area to which you want to extend. As you needed-Extend material master to plant without creating plant specific views. as i am able to create material by using BAPI_MATERIAL_GETINITNUMBER. To do this, use the Extend Material View(s) transaction. e XYZ) you want to extend. None of these exist in the new plant in client 1 of course. I want to extend a material from one plant to another (mm01 - copy from). Can anybody provide me the code for the same. I want to use the BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA to update this field ZZTEST in MARC table with proper value. OR. IE) In the recording mm01 i gave the copy from material reference and reference plant and reference sale org and original plant and sales organization. In case if you have many materials then you can make use of LSMW (Use recording functionality and then perform one cycle for the values to be recorded and then, maintain the source fields, map the source fields and then prepare a flat file and then feed this flat file to extend all the Material master number range assigned on company code base only. Regards Recording of Material Extension with T-code MM01. In MM01 you will have copy from field in which you have to enter the material you want to extend and then press 'Enter' . Hi Experts, I need to Extend the Material from one Plant to other Plant. In this T Code extend all the matcodes to all Sloc of ONE respective Plant. “razeshs via sap-log-mm” 08/13/2007 07:57 AM Please respond to [email protected] To Rajesh_Satope cc. ABAP If you need to extend your Material Master view tabs then this article will show how you can do it in few simple steps. I try to extend by CS17 . Now it will ask for the Organisation level in which you can find . Thanks! We want to extend material master to more storage locations. But in some forum i read that CS17 is not a best way. Cd: MM50 - Extend Material. Example, if I send material master using BD10 from client logical system to plant B's logical system then conversion rule will convert plant become B. If you don't know how to prepare LSMW then let me know. Subhajeet I guess you already have a material number and you need extend this material number for one more plant? In this case, indeed, you need to start MM01. I would Dear all, How to extend bom from one plant to another plant Eg: RX5432E -BOM header material BOM 1 BOM 2 BOM 3 Three respective bom for the RX5432E When i extend RX5432E to another plant all the respective BOM should also transfer. When you are extending to sales orgs or to plants or even to plant/storage location level, you are really CREATING, so Saquib is on the right track. Now we to extend the material for the given sale area to the required plant. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to efficiently exten For say, suppose initially I have created material for plant(1001), Sales Org(1001) & dist ch (10). Otherwise, register and sign in. Trigger. regards, Veeresh Coying material from one plant to another is called extending of material . Executing MM01 transaction for all 55 plants is a time consuming activity no value addition. What do you mean by extend the Purchase organisation. Choose 'Data Record to be Created'. Please tell me any Tcode or Method to Extend Materials all at once. Kindly advise if there's a faster and more efficient way of going about it. as soon as you select any view say purchasing it will ask plant code. If you have more number materials to extend to new plant, you can take help from ABAPer and go for LSMW Hi guys. Regards . comSAP, SAP MM, SAP WM, SAP TCODE, SAP TUTORIAL, SAP VIDEO, SAP BASIC, SAP Tutorials , SAP PP, SAP SD, SAP LE WM, SAP WM SD His user creates a material in a particular plant. If this is something you do on a regular basis you can either set up an LSMW to create the new plant views or have an ABAP'er write you a custom program to do this. Thanks in advance. Please help to know the correct BAPI that I can use. BDC copy source plant to target plant. Try extend the material to the other plant,storga location,sales org & dbt channel . For Customer. First of all analyse how many such records ( Inforecords Plant wise/ 50 Plants Collectivelly - No of Line items Inforecords ). I know that UNBW materials should not have an accounting view. If you've already registered, sign in. Reg/ Shankar G. Regards. You may want to try BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA. MM17--- Mass maintenance of materials. Can anyone guide us as to how we can achieve the same. Inspection Plan Hi, I need to extend the materials to another plant which are in same warehouse. My requirement: Except few change in parameters in MRP1, MRP2 and in Work Scheduling, all the other views' data should be the same. certain storage locations, or certain plants. Programming Tool. Just try copying material master from one plant to another plant with ancient transaction code MMZ1 for specific views. On 9/18/07, Pavel Cyprian via sap-log-mm wrote: you have to extend material → go again into MM01, put there material number, mark corresponding view you wanna maintain and enter plant number. regards, Chintan the above video is explained, "How to Extend the Material from one Plant to another Plant through the LSMW recording method" including excel shortcuts and S DEAR GURUS, BY MEANS OF LSMW I WANT TO CREATE MATERIAL MASTER BY COPYING MATERILAS IN OTHER PLANT. Please make sure that to extend the material, you do not use the same migration Project in which you have created this material. Perform this procedure when a material(s) have already been created in SAP R/3 and it is determined your plant has a need to purchase and/or stock the material(s For say, suppose initially I have created material for plant(1001), Sales Org(1001) & dist ch (10). You must be a registered user to add a comment. Transfer to BAPI(BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA) for Hi Guru's, I had created on Material X in Plant 0001 on 01. Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Solution In the Plantdata structure of the Save bapi i am not able to find any field to pass this value but if i extend manually and execute BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL by passing the material number and the plant which i have extended, i am getting the value of the reference Configurable material in field "PS_CONF_MAT" of the plant data. Aastha Then we created three more plants and I hv extended the entire materials master to other three plants. Chalam I need to extend a large number of materials to 36 different plants, each plant has its own profit center, and LSMW or customized programming are not available for our use. There are two ways to extend material into another plant. You can also make use of BDC to extend material to other plants. For example, if a material was created for u Solved: Hi All, I want to extend batch from plant to another plant for particular material, is it possible if yes please let me know how to extended with t. In S/4HANA Cloud, in order to extend the existing material by new org level, please refer to below ways: You can check the migration object "Product - extend existing record by new org levels", Please make sure that to extend the material, you do not use the same migration Project in which you have created this material. If the document are are huge in number then Ask with the ABAP person . I am giving a very simple description. Then we have 3 storage locations for each plant. i. Regards, vijay Please suggest ways for mass extending the materials from one plant to another plant in one go . Hi, I have two questions that need your help: 1. In lsmw recording it is fine. After that system will ask you to fill out organizational units, insert your plant and press enter. Now i have configured BOM materials for 1 plant. do mm01. Use this procedure to extend a material for use by a plant. we use MMSC: enter storage locations collectively, to extend each the material in all the storage locations of the company 9x3 = 27. i maintaine To my knowledge I doubt if both MM17 & MM50 can meet your need, as MM17 is to mass change the values already existing in the MMR, while MM50 is to extend the views in a given plant & not to extend across plants. Also chk ur assignment in Enterprise Structure. Hi Experts, I need to know of how to activate Work Scheduling view of materials per plant. I would like to do this through an ABAP report where I can build my list materials, plant and storage locations and then use a function module or bapi to extend materials in terms of Plant data/storage location (in MM02 literally the Plant data/stor 1/2 tabs). Although the material is existing, but extending material to plant is like creating a material in plant. while running the MRP for 1400 and 1600 plant the PR's has to get generated for 1500 plant for the sane material. Take the list of materials and use that to limit the data. Currently we have 4 plants (1010,1020,1030,1040) . set the MRP type to ND should help to ignorethis material in MRP runs. Show Hi all, Please help. In the Plantdata structure of the Save bapi i am not able to find any field to pass this value but if i extend manually and execute BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL by passing the material number and the plant which i have extended, i am getting the value of the reference Configurable material in field "PS_CONF_MAT" of the plant data. I have created a Bdc for the same but in that I am unable to capture some views . Welcome to our tutorial on extending a material master to a new plant using SAP HANA S/4. in copy from field give material u want to extend. Please tell me how to do t I found the only FM- Material_maintain_dark to Create and extend material in 4. it will be extended. 3. IT can also extend more than one In this Video, I am going to show you that how to extend the material to new or different plant in SAP and its storage location. How can I e Use MM50--- Extending Material Views. Extend Material Master to Plant (MM01) Purpose. LSMW programme was OK i did more times through this programme to extended. Both the plants are under same company code. rgds . Hi guys. Also the Routing Master and Inspection Plan along with MIC, Work Centers and Inspection Methods are to be extended. Sales Unit of Mesasure etc. and in copy from material give the same material no. Or U can use LSMW for creating the material master records. But for a material, you already have division and Purchasing Group in it. . 2. then press OK now material will get extend and system will give the message"Materail XXXX is already available now extended to XXXX sales org and XX Solved: Hi, I am trying to extend a material to new plant and storage location using ' Migrate you data' Fiori App( S4HANA 2020). X-distr Chain Status 3. Very Urgent Thanks and Regards Rajesh Kudaravalli When you are extending the material, did you enter the plant (by choosing F4 key for plant or enter manually ). Now I go to MM01 and the system does not give me the option to add the accounting view. Moreover , I only want to input from excel only 4 things as an input from excel . system will We have already developed a program to extend materials to a new plant and to create new BOM by copying an exiting BOM in old plant- The questions are then as follows: Is it possible to copy a recipe from one plant to another without material assignment - we would like to keep it clean so if the recipe exists in plant 1000 only materials from plant 1000 should be Solved: Hi Friends, Please guide me with steps in LSMW to extend material master data to different storage location with same plant using tcode MMSC. It is as if the system does not see that the material was changed from UNBW to HALB. In this example we are extending Material's Purchasing view for some particular Plant. Enter the new Storage Location you want to extend the Materials to. You can use CEWB or LSMW as well for extension. ?? If you are sure that Plant code is existing in T001W, then please check whether your plant 7420 is assigned to the company code?? Please provide the screen shot . Thanking you. I have known that to extend a material to another plant we can use BAPI 'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA'. i pavel just extend that material to specific plant by mm01 code giving refrence material no which u have created. Kindly help FORM read_file . AND WAT DO I NEED TO Hi Mahesh, You have to use MM01 transaction for extending to a common distribution channel by selecting sales org data1 & 2. Enter the Plant. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to efficiently exten You can extend material master from one plant to other plant in the same tcode : MM01 itseld put the Material number and press enter and select the views and at the Enter the Range of Materials. The following plants have no batch management requirement: Plant 1" Copy or extending multiple material masters(up to 999) using T code MMCCNote: We can't copy Retail material masters and Price will copy from the existing mat To assign factory calendar to a plant first create a factory calendar. CS07 is standard SAP functionality to extend BOM to several plants at one go. In copy from enter the details of Plant in which it already exists and in other plant to which it has to extend. With Regards mkrk via sap-r3-log-pp wrote: Hi Shah, You can extend material master from one plant to other plant in the same tcode : MM01 itseld put the Material number and press enter and select the views and at the orginisation level give the New plant to which you want to extend, System will display the message at the bottom of the screen as Material is and then in organization level enter the plant for which u want to extend the material. Currently we have coding starting from 910000 for finish material and is configured for storage location FG01, now we want to extend all the codes with 91 series to storage location PR06 & QC01. create with OX09. 2) by making LSMW if you need to extend material in MASS. we require for same material to diffrentiate other plants. The same needs to be done for many other material codes with different series. One company code is multiple plant are available. SAP Community; SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) MM (Materials Management) Software Product Function. Enter Material Number, Industry sector and Material type. Go to t-code MM01. User Count You can extend the material in several plants using . I used Migration If you want we can still use LTMC and upload data if you don't have any changes and want to use SAP Delivered template only with out any Customization, because if you make any changes In addition to MM01, if you want to extend material to multiple organisational levels like plants, storage locations, sales orgn & divisions and also to extend to multiple views then better way is to use Transaction MM50 with which you can extend views as well as plants also. olkbgvwxxspngyzccltesstrlcdslsexfpokcvhwukzursxx