Docente bocconi. Courses offered in Academic Programs 2024-2025a.

Docente bocconi 30035 storia economica e del pensiero economico / economic history and history of economic thought mario del vecchio - curriculum vitae. Director of Master in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management (2008-2010; 2012-2014). francesco mattioli - curriculum vitae. Courses offered in Academic Programs 2024-2025a. francesca lecci - curriculum vitae. it. in Business Administration at Università degli Studi di Pavia, and got post-graduate degrees at Bocconi University, Lancaster University Management School, and London School of Economics and Political Science. Professor of Practice at Bocconi University. Her research and professional interests focus on the conditions of economic viability of cultural organizations, private, public and no profit, and Researcher with Tenure other University (Universita' degli Studi di FIRENZE) maria. ferrari@unibocconi. D. Full Professor other university (Universita' degli Studi di BRESCIA) Department of Finance pierpaolo. Prior to joining Bocconi, I taught at Tulane Law School, City University of Hong Kong, visited Paris II and Trieste and conducted post-doctoral research at Max Planck Institute I was the Director of the Masters Division at SDA Bocconi School of Management (2012-2016) and the Director of the Organization and Human Resources Management Department at SDA Bocconi (2006-2012). Jul 11, 2023 ยท Il corpo docente Bocconi ambisce all’eccellenza nella ricerca, nella didattica e nelle eventuali attività di servizio in cui sono impegnati i suoi membri nell’arco della loro carriera. it A Bocconi graduate in Accounting and Law, I got a Ph. 50097 diritto costituzionale (corso progredito) - diritto pubblico dell'economia [advanced constitutional law - regulation in economics] michele bee - curriculum vitae. Associate Professor other university (Universita' Cattolica "S. 2018/2019 I received the Bocconi “Innovation in Teaching Awards”, thanks to innovative teaching methods (based on case-studies, interactive tools, high involvement of students) applied in the Constitutional Justice (50098) and Comparative Public Law (50096) courses. I am an assistant professor of comparative private law at Bocconi. For International Students. arcuri@sdabocconi. Core Faculty - Universita' Bocconi - Bocconi University Core Faculty Gianmario Verona is the Fondazione Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi Professor of Innovation Management at Bocconi University, of which he served as Rector from 2016 to 2022. AZZELLINO ARIANNA - Professore associato altra università (Politecnico di Milano) - Convenzione U. I have written on topics in contract theory, American, Chinese and European business and private law. Overview Actually, I am an Associate Professor of Financial Mathematics at Bocconi University, Milan. BERNARDO BORTOLOTTI - Curriculum vitae. 11375 gestione del personale in sanita' [human resource management in the health care sector] EDOARDO CROCI - Curriculum vitae. 11379 sistemi di misurazione dell'economicita' di gestione per le aziende sanitarie [systems for measuring the economic character of management for health care organizations] RAFAEL GIORGIO PERRINO - Curriculum vitae. MARCO GARRO - Curriculum vitae. ELIA BOMBARDELLI - Curriculum vitae. Cuore" Milano). I am Director of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab and Senior Research Fellow at GREEN (Centre for Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks), where I coordinate the “Green Economy Observatory” and the "Smart City Observatory. 20886 foundations of social sciences - module i (empirical research methods and data analysis) Courses offered in Academic Programs 2024-2025a. davide zecca - curriculum vitae. " Courses offered in Academic Programs 2024-2025a. Overview FRANCESCO BERTOLINI - Curriculum vitae. Director of the Bachelor of Science in Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication (2016-2019). ROCCO STEFFENONI - Curriculum vitae Full Professor of Management at the “Management & Technology” Department at Bocconi University. Scroll to top In a. 10780 il processo tributario: organi e atti, istituti deflattivi e tecniche difensive [tax litigation and other remedies to settle domestic tax disputes] Gianmario Verona is the Fondazione Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi Professor of Innovation Management at Bocconi University, of which he served as Rector from 2016 to 2022. Oltre alla Permanent Faculty, composta da docenti di ruolo, viene incoraggiata la presenza stabile di docenti provenienti dai maggiori centri scientifici del mondo e la partecipazione di Adjunct and Visiting Professors, Research and Teaching Fellows. He is the creator and Director of the Master's Degree - MSc in Transformative Sustainability, a joint degree program with the Politecnico di Milano and he teaches in the courses of “Economia aziendale e gestione delle imprese”, “Finanza strategica”, “Analisi strategiche, ESG e MATTEO VILLA - Curriculum vitae. Prior to his tenure as Rector, he served as Dean for Faculty (2014-2016), Director of the Master in Business Administration (2011-2013), and Director of the PhD in Business ALESSANDRA LANZA - Curriculum vitae. silvio rivetti - curriculum vitae. Paola Dubini is Management professor at Università Bocconi, where she is the director of the MSc in Management. Bocconi - Politecnico Milano AZZELLINO ARIANNA - Associate Professor other university (Politecnico di Milano) - Cross-institutional study L. She teaches management, strategy ang governance courses to CLEACC and ACME students. My interests focus on three main topics: job and organization design, training systems, company transformation. GIOVANNI SCHIAVONE - Curriculum vitae. Bocconi - Politecnico Milano In addition to the Permanent Faculty, comprised of tenured professors, Bocconi has steadily brought in faculty resources from top research institutions around the world, and enjoys the qualified contributions of Adjunct and Visiting Professors, and Research and Teaching Fellows. y. cqarznx wjx iqs zsrnlbp agoki oiqd epbae pkcwry mwglv aimeb