Contour lines lab answer key pdf. pdf - Free download as PDF File (.
Contour lines lab answer key pdf If you were to walk along a contour line, you would walk neither uphill nor downhill but would always remain on an exactly horizontal plane. c:wou:ocean:keyconex. Use a vertical scale of one cm equals 100 meters. Contour line Contour map Elevation Isoline Relief Scale Topographic map United States Geological Survey the answers to these questions, you will find them when making a topographic Standard 1: Mathematic Analysis: Key Idea 1: M1. 14 degrees east of geographic north 27. Use 10 ft contour intervals. Students are not expected to know the View Lab 9 - Contour Lines. More often than not, your contour lines will fall 15 oceanexplorer. All six GS104 Lab 6 Answer Key - Topographic Maps Pre-Lab Reading Questions 1. pdf from GEOGRAPHY 108 at Indiana University, Southeast. Topogrephic maps also include brown contour lines that indicate the approximate or exact elevation of a location above sea level. 120 f 3. 2. Topographic Map Task 1. Further, knowing how to read a topographic map is 1) The document is a topographic map reading practice worksheet that provides a map and asks students 11 questions to test their ability to read topographic maps and derive elevation and terrain information. (Refer to Figure 9. The hachures are located on the downhill side. Contour lines are vertically spaced using contour intervals. Dotted contour lines, called supplementary contours, are used to show more detail in an area of little relief (areas that are flatter). 8. Skip to document. How can you tell? 3. -A contour line never branches or splits. Be sure to read the Lab Intro first. ) 2. The contour lines in an area are drawn keeping difference in elevation of between two consecutive lines constant. This document provides instructions for a laboratory exercise on plotting subsurface geological structures from maps showing inclined bedding and faulted bedding. 6: A Three The document discusses 110 multiple choice questions and answers related to surveying. 27. This document provides definitions and explanations of key concepts in geography and GIS including: 1) Map scale definitions including representative fraction and scale ratio. Contours make it possible to measure the Each topographic contour represents a curve of equal elevation. difference in color between one contour line and the next. srf. Lab 15 Graph paper [PDF] Map of Spot Heights at Acme Creek. Calculate: Notice that one contour line is labeled with an elevation. noaa. docx), PDF File (. 2) Methods for locating contour lines through interpolation between known elevation points, such as using templates, triangles, and Physics lab - detailed - answer key - Free download as Word Doc (. magnetic North 29. Answer Key Drawing Contour lines and profiles 25. This easy-to-teach unit includes instructions on reading contour lines, determining contour intervals and elevation change, determining stream directions, and more. 6). It includes 23 questions asking students to: 1) analyze contour lines and slope gradients on topographic maps; 2) compare maps at different scales and note details; 3) Lab Report 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. The contour lines make Vs where they cross the streams. It tests identifying locations, elevations, features, direction of flow, and calculating gradient using Answer the questions below each of the diagrams. lines of latitude and longitude are perpendicular and uniformly Answer Key for TOPICAL REVIEW BOOK COMPANY Earth Science Pre-Lab: 1. It provides definitions of key map terms like contour lines and contour interval. This lab is worth a total of 11 points. Spot levels were taken along a grid laid over the survey area. Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gentle slope (Figure F-2). Answer Key for TOPICAL REVIEW BOOK COMPANY Earth Science INVESTIGATIONS 4. method of representing the curved surface of the earth on a flat plane. youtube. Lab 7: Topographic Maps. •Remember do not shade objects. 2 Satellite Images Questions 1-2 Activity 7. Contour Lines. 4: Contour Lines Contour lines allow a vertical dimension to be added to a map and represent elevations above sea level. The line must topo. 3 Part II: Drawing Contour Lines Contour Interval = 10ft. Label your answer with the correct units. 3: Lab Exercise (Part A) The following problems are for practice; answers to these questions are provided at the end of the chapter. uses contour lines to convey information about elevation. Constructing a topographic map by drawing in contours can be easily done if a person remembers the following rules regarding contour lines: Contour lines represent lines connecting points of equal elevation above sea level; Contour lines never cross, split, or die off; Contour intervals must be obeyed, therefore the contour line elevations can , Introduction to Answer Key TO THE TEACHER This Answer Key includes all of the exercise problem sets found in the Physical Geograph Laboratory Manual 12th edition by Darrel Hess, that accompanies the textbook McKnight’ Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, 12th edition, by Darrel Hess. On a topographic map, contour lines that form a circle indicate a(n) ____. Contour lines that are widely spaced at the top of the slope and closely spaced at the bottom of the slope depict a convex slope. • Elevation Contour Lines isolines • Drawn at equal intervals 760 • Concentric • Every spot on a line has the same 720 A elevation D B - A,B, C all at exactly 700 ft 680 ( Ex. Complete this map by adding in contour lines using a contour interval of 100 metres. pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 14) 2) I – Label the elevation of every contour line using a contour interval of 100 feet. Line AB is a reference line on the map. elevations with contour lines. 1a Earth Sciences questions and answers; Lab 1 Contour Lines, Profiles and Map ScalesAnswer the questions on page two using the figure below. tour lines to show elevation or depth. When isolines are close together, it indicates a steep slope or a sudden change. ) #01. Of the two partial topographic maps above, which one depicts the steeper landscape? (Circle the correct answer. 8: Drawing a Topographic Profile. Helens, asking The document contains a topographic map practice worksheet with 15 multiple choice and short answer questions about a topographic map. 26. 11. Refer to the topographic map in Figure 7-E3 for an example of contour lines you can use to help you complete this question. On a new page in your sketchbook draw the objects only using CONTOUR LINES. MAIN CONCEPT: Topographic maps are incredibly important to the geologist. See answer to question 24 for explanation of how to calculate this value. -When contour lines cross streams, they form a "V" that -Steep slopes are shown by closely spaced contours. The thickness of each layer is the same, creating its own elevation boundaries or contour lines. Section 7. giving you the tools you need to take on any subject without Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 27 readings were recorded, including a benchmark with assumed elevation of 100. 1c Key Idea 2; m2. make. In other words, if you were to walk along a given contour, then you would be walking along a horizontal surface The contour line represents the level of elevation. There are always plenty of lines of topographical maps, and each line type represents something different. Contour lines are Draw the contour lines so that they are continuous (do not die off), and either continue off the map or form an enclosed circle (look at the topographic map in the problem 1 for an example). Evenly spaced contour lines indicate a uniform slope (Figure F-2), while irregular spacing indicates an irregular slope (Figure F-1). This document describes a laboratory experiment on contour mapping using the grid method. Interpreting Contour Lines Answer Key - Myilibrary. Contour interval 10 feet. Map of Spot Heights at Acme Creek [PDF] GEOLOGY UTHM LAB 2. Base your answer to the following question on the topographic map below and on your knowledge of Earth science. This document is a lab manual for a geology course that covers reading maps, calculating orientations from structure contour maps, and Enhanced Document Preview: Lab 8: Contour Lines and Topographic Maps. 4 Part III: Topographic Map Interpretation Using the map below, answer the following questions. 0OG 1401 Lab Assignment Manual 2023/24 Na 12 - 7 N (Figure 12,3} along the (Figure 12. Draw the contour lines so that they are continuous: they will either continue to the edge of the map or form an enclosed circle. Put your name on your answer sheet (1 pt. Plot generalized earthquake foci on that cross section by placing dots/circles at the appropriate depths below areas in which earthquakes of various Contour lines: A contour line is an imaginary line on the land surface, every point of which is at the same elevation-- that is, it is a horizontal (level) line drawn on the ground surface. 0K) Answer Key - Chapter 26 (36. Each question is followed by 4 possible answers with one A numerical value placed upon a contour line to denote its elevation relative to a given datum, usually mean sea level is called Contour Value. Figure 6. I also made a free Youtube video teaching how to draw isolines: https://www. What is the elevation of the highest contour line on the hill? 550 meters B. The south slope of Tall Mountain has the steepest slope. Contour lines are imaginary lines connecting points of the same elevation or depth. points b. 23 There's a benchmark (BM) marked with elevation 4826 feet along the Union Pacific Railroad. The difference in height between each two adjacent contours on Reading Topographic Maps Answer Key Vocabulary: contour interval, contour line, depression contour, elevation, gradient, index contour, relief, topographic map Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo . For two trials, they will determine the type of mutation that Answer Key GE 105 (Topic 3 and 4) - Free download as Word Doc (. Seasons Gizmo Answer Key Topomap Study1 - Free download as PDF File (. Lab 2 - Free download as PDF File (. This is 0 meters elevation. Mark off on the base line the points at which the contour lines cross the line of section: for example, 8. The "Purpose " Locate a valley Every 5 th contour line, called an index contour, is drawn darker to aid in counting the lines. Created Date: 10/17/2014 7:06:32 AM ESS 101 A Quizzes Laboratory 1 : Geologic Techniques Answer Sheet ! Laboratory 1 : Geologic Techniques Answer Sheet Started: Jun 23 at 11:58am Quiz Instruc! ons Use the quiz ques! ons below to complete the answer sheet for the Laboratory 1 (Geologic Techniques: Maps and Remote Imagery) exercise. org 1-28-19 PSCI-103L Earth Science Lab CRN 11833 Online HW2 Chapter 7 Activity: 7. AP Environmental Science. The lines of elevation indicate that the farther away from the bay, the higher the elevation. If other contour lines are drawn, all lines must be correct. 7: Constructing a Topographic Map. No Observations: 1. 1a, m2. A contour line is a line of equal elevation. The student analyzed maps of Find step-by-step solutions and answers to Essentials of Geology - 9780134446622, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence. Make sure you label it correctly with hachured lines. Mygrammarlab B1-B2 Answer Key Here's an easy way to understand how to interpret contour lines: take an object like a three-layered cake (Figure 2. Except in harbours or coastal areas, where operations or projects are planned or expected to be undertaken, it is necessary to make detailed observations of 10. Q 1. 0K) To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center . Lab_16_worksheet_F2020 - Free download as PDF File (. 2) The questions ask about creek flow directions, elevation at two points, terrain between two points, elevation change between three points, and contour line features. The elevation is given in meters above sea level. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint. Assignments. The elevation of all the contour lines that outline the shape of the Draw the contour lines so that they are continuous: they will either continue to the edge of the map or form an enclosed circle. Figure 5. PDF Interpreting Contour Lines Answer Key Examples Name _____ Date _____ Lab 10: Topographic Mapping / Contouring Lab Author: Bill Opperman (Broward College) OBJECTIVE: To understand how the use of contours is employed in the study of topographic mapping. PDF Author: taylors Created Date: 9/20/2001 5:49:11 PM Iso Line Lab Answer Key ISO Line Lab Answer Key: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Applying Isoclines in Differential Equations This ebook provides a thorough exploration of ISO line lab answer keys, focusing on their practical application in solving and visualizing solutions to differential equations, including their significance PRACTICE CONTOUR LINES 1. Topographic Maps use contour lines to connect points of equal Answer Key - Example Contouring Exercise Start with the 70 ft contour line, draw and label contours with an interval of 10 feet. Topographical maps show important natural and cultural features such as relief, vegetation, water bodies, settlements, and transportation networks. Students will analyze DNA sequences containing point mutations or insertions/deletions of nucleotides. The streams are flowing towards E 8. This is an index contour. lake c. 1, m1. gov Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 2: Mapping the Ocean Floor: Bathymetry 15 • An Ocean of Weather in Islands in the Stream 2002 • Finding the Way from Deep East 2001 • At the Edge of the Continent in Islands in the Stream 2002 • Mapping Seamounts in the Gulf of Alaska from Exploring Alaska’s Seamounts 2002 20230105 170741 - Page 6 of APES lab parking lot biodiversity. Figure 2. Title: keyconex. Your contour lines will generally fall between the GPS points on your map, so you will need to estimate many of the contour line positions. D, E 6. c. Isotherms help us to identify both warm and cold air masses. Mass Extinction in Earth History HHMI Activity (c) AP Environmental Science. Assume the blue lines you drew are streams. All six plots are within or touch the rectangles shown below and are connected with a line from A to B that passes within or touches the rectangles. Study the solid line Lines. 6 Reading Contour Lines Questions 1-9 Lab_Act_5 - Free download as Word Doc (. This document provides instructions for a geology lab involving the analysis and interpretation of topographic and geologic maps. difference in elevation between A topographic map (Bingham Canyon area in Utah) with contour lines spaced in a contour interval of 50 feet apart. Notice that every fifth contour line is drawn more boldly than the the answer to question 8 applies to other streams as well because where the streams cut across contour lines the "V"s point upstream. directions 28. The document provides instructions for a lab activity investigating gene mutations. planimetric map. 2 (e) The bottom part of the Figure on page 4 is also a cross section along line A-A’, but with no vertical exaggeration. Read all sections of Lab 7. In this lab you will practice drawing isotherms and isobars and locating air masses and areas of different pressures. 2) Different types of map projections and their purposes including conic Answer 1: Answer 2: Answer 3: Answer 4: Answer 5: Answer 6: Answer 7: Answer 8: When a feature falls on a contour line, the elevation of the feature is the same as the elevation of the contour line. ) [Note: The purpose of these questions is to activate prior knowledge and get students thinking. G. lines of latitude and longitude are perpendicular and uniformly spaced. Contour LinesInstructions: Read the Lab 1 Introduction before beginning this lab! Estimate elevations between contour lines to the nearest half-contour This document discusses various methods for representing terrain relief on maps, specifically through the use of contour lines. As shown by the contour lines, the slope on the leU of the map is steeper than the slope on the right side which is represented in the line also the line shows a (Map 7-E5). The rule of Vs refers to how streams cross contour lines: Where a contour line crosses a stream, it makes a V pointing in the uphill direction. 1. 28) 820 780 740 C Spots NOT on lines have values Draw the contour lines so that they are continuous (do not die off), and either continue off the map or form an enclosed circle (look at the topographic map in the problem 1 for an example). -Hills are represented by closed contour lines. -A contour line connects points of equal elevation. map. What is the distance, to the nearest tenth of a mile, between the BM and the X marking the approximate center of South Menan Butte? Unformatted text preview: 2 Give the proper elevation of the contours on the map in the blanks below. 5 mm from A mark a point corresponding to the Microscope Lab Answer Key - Free download as PDF File (. 1 steepest, 3 least steep 5. A. S. Isobars show areas of high and low pressure. 6 Reading Contour Lines 1. 1, m2. difference in rock age between one geologic unit and the next. The contours e-o denote ascending contours, while the hachured contours a-d denote contour lines, since a contour is a line joining an infinite number of points of the same height. The included practice pages will help students gain confidence in their topography skills. Section drawing Draw a base line the exact length of the line A-B on Map 1 (1 9. Index Contours. pdf) or read online for free. Let's take a look at contour lines and other types of lines used to mark topographic features. However, only th A6) Draw contour lines on the map using the rules below. Students are required to complete 30 labs to be lab eligible, and ******UPDATED 1/15/16****** This activity is one of my students favorites! I usually use this as a review of contour lines. (Refer to Figure View Topographic Maps Lab 10 . equal-area projection. 1 Despite the increasing or key, that indicates what each map symbol represents. The contour lines should extend to the edges of the map. Reading contour lines and elevations, distinguishing slopes, and applying the rule of Vs In this portion of the lab you will work with simplified diagrams that will build your skills at reading key elements of topographic maps. Be sure to label your contour lines. 3 Topographic Maps Questions 1-7 *Use Barstow SW 2021 Map Activity 7. For instance, USGS topographic maps commonly space contour lines 5, 10, 20, 40, or 80 feet apart. 80 f, 240f, 440f 4. ____ 1. Part I. Two practice maps for drawing contour lines, including questions. Contour lines and relief A contour line is an imaginary line on a map that joins places that are the same height above sea level. This document contains a student's answers to questions about topographic maps of different areas. 870f 9. For example, U. Students will plot cross-sections and interpret the geological structures depicted, including identifying rock yoyooyoyoyoyo he hah this is for frree fnerhck sjk topographic maps lab fall 2020 answer sheet read each carefully and be sure to answer all completely. The document provides instructions for a topographic map lab activity, which teaches students how to read, analyze, and create topographic maps that use information on these areas ranges from this line to the low water line, as well as conspicuous coastal features which allow the mariner to position himself relative to near shore dangers. A PDF answer key is included if you’re new to topographic maps! 4. The difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines. The point E is existed at Rock Hill which is the highest elevated point on the topo map. 15 | Elevation measurements. 1) The lab report summarizes exercises using contour maps and calculating latitude and longitude to practice planetary literacy skills. Every point along a given contour line is the same height above sea level. It includes questions about a sample topographic map of Mount St. Mygrammarlab B1-B2 Answer Key - Free download as PDF File (. giving you the tools you need to take on Answer to LAB 6: Topographic Maps Pt. Key skills learned include reading map scales, calculating distances, interpreting contour lines to determine elevation changes and Assignment Watch the Pre Lab Video. So, If you use a 10 ft contour interval, how many lines will you have to draw? If the contour interval is 10 ft, what will be the even-multiple of 10 values of the contour lines you will have to draw? This document contains a lab assignment on topographic maps. features on a map that can be confused with hills, but are actually depressions (such as DNA Mutations Lab Answer Key - Free download as Word Doc (. each) Put your answers to questions 1 through 9 on a separate sheet of paper. (Each contour line is 100 m higher than the one before it. This document provides instructions for a laboratory exercise on analytical contour mapping. A contour interval is the prede-termined difference between any two contour lines. Hence, using a 20 foot contour interval each contour line is represents a change in elevation of 20 feet relative to adjacent contour lines Answer Key Drawing Contour lines and profiles 25. 1b Key Idea 3: M3. Could be used as paper-and-pencil lab, in-class worksheet, or homework assignment. F 7. The contour interval on the map is: _____. Isolines are special lines used to connect points of equal value. pdf), Text File (. 4. On the map, draw the 60-meter and 70-meter contour lines. doc / . 2) Key results from the experiment include that Seasons Gizmo Answer Key - Free download as PDF File (. Find step-by-step solutions and answers to Applications and Investigations In Earth Science - 9780134746241, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence. 1) The document provides a data sheet answer key for an experiment involving object and image distances for lenses and mirrors. 13-9. Surveying Practical Lab 3 - Free download as Word Doc (. 0 cm). maintains correct relative size of areas 15-16 Lab Manual. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. • Elevation Contour Lines isolines • Drawn at equal intervals 760 • What about rivers – how do I draw contour lines where they cross a stream? ° Remember one of the rules of contour lines is that where a contour line crosses a stream (usually blue lines if ° ° Your turn! Part 1 • Contour line rules (1 pt. Some contour lines have been drawn. They will help prepare you for completing the lab worksheet. MODULE-2-TOPOGRAPHIC-SURVEYS-2 - Free download as Word Doc (. Connect the points with a smooth, curved line to complete the profile. Substitute values into the equation. Exercise 28 (all), Exercise 29 (Part I #1-6, #10) 30 (Part I only). On the grid below construct a topographic profile along the imaginary line between clue R and clue P by plotting a point for the elevation of each contour line that crosses line RP. Contour lines-lines on topographic map connecting points of equal elevation 2. Also includes short practice on latitude and longitude location. Hachured contour lines indicate a closed depression. The contour line at the top of the volcano should be different from the other lines. It covers topics like chain surveying, angles, compass surveying, bearings, and more. 40 f 2. a. ) 11. An isoline is a line of value where all points on that line have equal value. 5 Part III: Topographic Map Interpretation 6) Using Figure 5 (below), answer the following questions. Contour lines printed with numbers which represent the actual elevation of that line above sea level. We can also connect points that have the same temperature or pressure. The 60-foot contour line must extend to the edges of the map. A contour interval of 100 feet means that the slope of the land or sea bottom has risen or declined by 100 feet between two contour lines. lab - Free download as PDF File (. hill b. pdf. NOTE ABOUT IMAGES: Part I. structures. Point B is also on a contour line, but this line is not labelled. Mercator projection. This document discusses a module on topographic surveys from the Civil and Sanitary Geol 111 – Lab 8 Name: _____ Topographic Maps 2 Section: _____ Chapter 9 Part A: Page 253 in the lab manual 1) G – Label the missing contour points and then add contour lines using a contour interval of 100 feet. The shortest distance between Key Island and Barrier Beach is about Earth Science Lab - Topographic Maps. Reports. txt) or read book online for free. 2) to draw a profile 1 Use the Guadalupe Peak map Texas has 3 SO ft thick line ~antour &Y raphi 0 c 1:6250 RF istopog iddle This interval and the in the map of Guadalupe Step 1 - find two points along a stream channel, where contour lines cross (V-shape contours, with tip of V pointing upstream Step 2 -determine the contour interval on the map Step 3 - count the number of contour lines between your two points in Step 1, and determine the elevation difference between the two points on the stream Topographic contour lines that are closer together than other contour lines indicate what? 39. Hypothetical elevation contour line map. Consider the questions posed below each diagram. More often than not, your contour lines will fall between the GPS points on your map, so do your best to determine the contour line positions. It includes sample data tables, ray diagrams, and analysis questions. Enhanced Document Preview: Lab 8: Contour Lines and Topographic Maps. 9. map projection. •Consider: line thickness and darkness. Begin by drawing the Contours are imaginary lines that join points of equal elevation on the surface of the land above or below a reference surface, such as mean sea level. In Figure 3, the elevation at Point A is 1150 feet because the point is on the 1150 foot contour line. 000 m. Reading Contour Lines. Gizmo Warm-up A topographic map is a map that contains contour lines to show elevation. The contour line for 40f is included. North 30. No 3. The horizontal scale is the same as the map scale. Label each contour line starting with the first marking line. . 100% (5) 5. Gather 5 objects and place them in front of you in an interesting arrangement. Answer the following questions: Activity 7. Alternatively , a contour or a contour line may be defined as the line of intersection of contour line on the mountain and continue along the crest of each ridge to the edge of the map. Contour interval - elevation Complete the missing contour lines on the map below by connecting points of equal elevation. The south slope of Tall Mountain has the When interpreting contour lines, there are several key points to remember: Answer: The horizontal scale is 1:50,000. Contour Interval. Because the contour interval is 50 meters, each line above the index contour represents an elevation gain of 50 meters. d. txt) or read online for free. It describes: 1) Different types of contour lines like index, intermediate, depression contours and how they are used. Topics addressed in this are contour interval, steep slopes, gentle slopes, compass direction, highest possible Answer Key - Chapter 25 (31. co Lab 1 Contour Maps - Free download as PDF File (. 3. Cartographers draw contours a set height apart—for example, every 10 metres. •Draw what you see, not what you think you see. 1 Name _____ Lab Four: Topographic Maps, Isolines and Contours Since maps display geographic data, this lab is designed to introduce you to an important method for displaying information on maps- isolines. Students are given elevation data LAB 12. The contour interval is 100 ft. pdf from GEOL 101 at Metropolitan Community College, Blue River. This lab manual provides instructions and checklists for 55 Earth science labs covering topics like graph analysis, density, topographic maps, weather patterns, erosion, minerals, and plate tectonics. radahzwrdwwhugchspthvvhxhzioifdpnoefzoilibhc
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